Property Management Team Basics

Property Management Team Basics

A team is a group of people who work together and are collectively responsible and accountable for a defined task/s, segment, process, product or service. Teams normally have members with complementary skills which, when appropriately harnessed, allow each member to...
Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

Reward for performance helps to get maximum effort and performance out of employees, making reward a win-win situation for employees and employers. Considering how valuable good Property Managers are, and how difficult they are to replace, agencies should do...
The 10 Minute Kaizen

The 10 Minute Kaizen

Property Management Productivity kaizen kʌɪˈzɛn/ noun noun: kaizen 1. 
a Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement of working practices, personal efficiency, etc. Origin Japanese, literally ‘improvement’. Kaizen is small improvements and a change for...
Kick Bad Working Habits

Kick Bad Working Habits

3 Strategies for Kicking the Bad Habits at Work As a super busy Property Manager sometimes we get too busy and forget that we might be doing something the long way or rubbing our team members up the wrong way! We’ve sourced this great article to give you three simple...