Attracting your Ideal Client

When creating a video to load onto your Facebook Page, creating a GoogleAd or adding content to your website you’ll need a system to follow so you can begin creating lots and lots of expert content to begin attracting your ideal clients and ultimately win more business.

I have been following the A.U.T.H.O.R Copy system for a long time and I find it only takes me about 5-10 mins to get something out that shows my expertise and I can upload it quickly to grow my business and attract more clients fast!

The A.U.T.H.O.R System for Creating Attraction Copy

The three most important things that your “Property Management Offer” needs to do is;

  1. Increase the emotion in the reader
  2. Create internal conflict
  3. Build as much value as possible, ultimately compelling the Owner to buy your services or take some type of action

A couple of things to keep in mind about your Property Management Offer:

√   It must promise something absolutely remarkable

√   It must be believable

√   It must be spelled out in complete detail using simple, plain English

Here are the 6 most essential stages of writing an effective Property Management Offer

There are many reasons why it’s important to get the recruitment decision right first time:

You must gain the attention of the reader in your headline otherwise nothing gets read. Your headline should be interesting, pleasurable, painful, important or dangerous. These are the core elements of gaining attention from someone. For Example: “Vacant Property? Not a Problem for Us”….

You need to clearly describe your complete understanding of the problems your Owners are facing and how this makes them feel. You may also like to make a short emotional point about “WHY” you are committed to solving it for them. For Example: “Recently a new Owner brought their property over to us the manage after it had been left vacant for several weeks. The Owner had had no communication from the old agent except to discuss dropping the rent, which the Owner couldn’t really afford to do. They never discussed the feedback from the inspections or if they even had any. This made me feel so determined to show this Owner how dedicated I was to turning their situation around and showing them that there were still some great Property Managers out there that truly cared about them and their property”.

Highlight the consequence of not solving these problems immediately. List all of the points they may not be aware of by stepping out into the future and clearly defining the bleak outcome they have installed if they do not take action now. The desired outcome here is to have the customer feel a deep sense of urgency to solve their problem. For Example: “Imagine what it would be like six months from now if you didn’t take the appropriate action and change agents… you’d have lost thousands of dollars due to the property sitting vacant, you’d have developed a deep resentment and distrust with the agent who’s supposed to be taking care of you. You became desperate and ended up renting the property to a terrible tenant who complains all the time, pays rent late and doesn’t take care of the property and the final straw was having to use your own money to prop up the mortgage to make ends meet”.

Describe to the Owner how you are able to heal their wound and solve their problem. Mention both the features and benefits of your product with direct relevance to the problems you have listed in your copy. For Example: “That’s why we have a service guarantee in place so that things like this never happen. When we quote you a current market price we guarantee it. We are so confident in our expertise that if we do not let the property for the price we quoted, we make up the difference for 6 months”.

Offer Evidence
Offer credibility and demonstrate evidence of solution. Think of how you can best portray your authority in this area. Testimonials, endorsements and proven statistics relating to your solution are all beneficial in the outcome stage. The Owner must fully believe they are capable of achieving the same result or better. For Example: “Here’s what Justin Smith recently said about his experience when changing agents….. I’ve had investment properties before but always felt like ‘better the devil you know’ when it came to the management. Whilst I was never really happy where I was I didn’t know what to do to change it. Then along came Tiffany Bowtell from PMIT Real Estate. What a breath of fresh air! She took care of all the details, educated us in what to do and how to do it. We secured a tenant in the first week of the change over and we are really happy we made the decision to change”.


Tell your reader exactly what to do. You can create even more urgency here with a limited number or a sliding scale price offer. You can add a range of great value bonuses for buying now too. Another great way to increase your conversion is to offer a guarantee of some kind. For example: “If you’ve been dissatisfied with your current agent or your property’s been left vacant, unattended or unloved call me right now to discuss your changeover strategy. We’ll even give you the first 3 months management fees FREE so you can get the change over settled down without any expenses incurred.”

Here’s the full example all put together….

Vacant Property? Not a Problem for Us

As the Business Development Manager at PMIT Real Estate I recently had a new Owner bring their property over to us to manage after it had been left vacant for several weeks. The Owner had had no communication from the old agent except to discuss dropping the rent, which the Owner couldn’t really afford to do. They never discussed the feedback from the inspections or if they even had any. This made me feel so determined to show this Owner how dedicated I was to turning their situation around and showing them that there were still some great Property Managers out there that truly cared about them and their property.

So just imagine you were also in that situation and did nothing about it. Six months from now you’d have lost thousands of dollars due to your property sitting vacant, you’d have developed a deep resentment and distrust with the agent who’s supposed to be taking care of you. You become desperate and end up renting the property to a terrible tenant who complains all the time, pays rent late and doesn’t take care of the property and the final straw is having to use your own money to prop up the mortgage to make ends meet. What an awful situation to be in!

This is the very reason why we have a service guarantee in place so that things like this never happen. When we quote you a current market price (add hyperlink to free appraisal page on your website) we guarantee it. We are so confident in our expertise that if we do not lease the property for the price we quoted, we make up the difference for 6 months. Not only that we SMS you to let you know within five minuets after any inspection what happened, who came and what the feedback was. We guarantee to communicate with you every 3 days while your property is vacant and discuss strategies to lease the property as quickly as possible.

Here’s what Justin Smith (our new Owner) recently said about his experience when changing agents….. “I’ve had investment properties before but always felt like ‘better the devil you know’ when it came to the management. Whilst I was never really happy where I was I didn’t know what to do to change it. Then along came Tiffany Bowtell from PMIT Real Estate. What a breath of fresh air! She took care of all the details, educated us in what to do and more importantly – how to do it. We secured a tenant in the first week of the change over and we are really happy we made the decision to change, in the end it was very easy”.

If you’ve been dissatisfied with your current agent or your property’s been left vacant, unattended or unloved call me right now to discuss your changeover strategy. We’ll even give you the first 3 months management fees FREE so you can get the change over settled down without any expenses incurred. I’d love to help you!

Contact Tiffany Bowtell on 0400 654 005 right now.

Ok so if you’ve enjoyed this article and you’d like to use it… GO AHEAD copy and paste it into your own blog post – say you wrote it, change the testimonial to a real one and get more clients now. This AUTHOR system really works – try it out and see the results for yourself!