Shrinking the EMAIL Elephant


Did you know?

Most business people receive 100 – 200 emails a day.

It takes an average of 64 seconds to recover your train of thought after interruption by email.


Top 10 Tips to Shrink the Email Elephant:

1) Remember the Inbox is a temporary location for storing email.

2) Don’t be at 24/7 email slave. Schedule times to check and process email.

3) Prioritise emails, using colour coded flags, so they do not all look equally important.

4) Delete junk as you eyeball what is in your inbox.

5) Forward to someone else, if you can assign that inquiry or task to them

6) Reply, if you can do it in less than 2 minutes.

7) Move to other folders, i.e. calendar or task folders.

8) Archive emails that you need to CYA.

9) Unsubscribe to newsletters that you do not have time to read, or that no longer interest you.

10) Shut off email signal to avoid distractions.

Setting email boundaries will shrink the email elephant and give you the time and freedom to
focus on high priority work.