100 Reasons Why

List Writing

I’ve recently learned a new technique when I want to create a result in my life and in my work. Its called List Writing. It takes no more than 10 minuets to do and can help get your mind clear when you begin venturing into a new journey or goal you wish to achieve. Its so simple anyone can do it, almost anywhere. Here’s how it works…..

1. Pick a goal you wish to pursue

2. Write in the top of the page the result you want

3. List 100 reasons why you deserve it

4. Don’t lift your pen off the paper until you are finished.

The act of list writing engages both sides of the brain, the left and the right which allows equilibrium to occur when stating why you deserve what you want. The brain then decides that the information on this list must be true and therefore seeks out the result or outcome to manifest. Sure its a different way to grow your rent roll but if your not mentally prepared to make it happen, it probably won’t!

Here’s my example of this exercise:

100 Reasons Why I Deserve More Managements

1. I am ready to offer more to my clients

2. I want to be the best office in my area

3. I want to help investors have a great experience

4. I want to see people achieve their financial goals

5. I want to be of service to as many people as I can

6. I want to show my clients how good we are

7. I truly care about my job

8. I want to change the way Landlords think about property

9. I want to deliver the best offer possible

10. I want my own financial independence

and so on……

Download The List Writing Template below and begin the mental preparation of growing your rent roll!